Cognition and Learning Unit

Our Cognition and Learning Unit caters for children in Key Stage 2.


Within our Cognition and Learning Unit, we plan for teaching and learning to build on the skills of individuals from their starting points, in line with the National Curriculum. Our children will experience, connect and build upon prior learning through engaging and immersive topics as part of our broad and balanced four year rolling curriculum. We support the holistic development of every child, with high aspirations for every pupil to experience success through our curriculum pathways linked above.  

Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) strands:


In line with our Assessment and SLD Units, we utilise a SCERTS approach as a firm foundation for our curriculum implementation. 

Social Communication is developed through many different approaches: 

We support the Emotional Regulation of our pupils by providing bespoke approaches: 

In addition to this, our learning environments and resources are modified and adapted to meet the needs of all pupils and ensure that our curriculum is accessible, desirable and engaging for all learners. 


Our immersive curriculum provides children with the tools to make small step progress against their unique starting points so that they are ready for the next stage of their education. They will be on their journey to become effective communicators that have opportunities to form and maintain relationships with their peers and familiar adults. They will develop tools to support their future lives and wellbeing including physical development, life skills, independence and emotional literacy including self-regulation skills and strategies. Academically, pupils will develop skills progressively in line with the National Curriculum, sitting age-related tests where appropriate. They will be supported and encouraged to develop a love of reading and an understanding of the world around them, enabling pupils to be involved with and thrive in the wider community.

Our Specialist Units