At Castle Hill we teach French following the Language Angels scheme of work. The building blocks for learning a language are phonics, vocabulary and grammar. Each year, the children learn or revise at least one unit of phonics. The phonemes taught, are used in the vocabulary the year groups are learning. Although our teachers are not specialists in French, the Language Angels resources make full use of recordings by native French speakers. Regular use of these resources helps us to make sure that the pronunciation of phonemes and words is accurate. Over time, embedding phonics knowledge will help children to read and write in French.
Each half term the learning is based around a theme that introduces a new set of vocabulary which can be built into short phrases. Alongside this, grammar rules are gradually introduced so that children understand how the French language works. Both the vocabulary and the grammar rules for each unit, build on previous learning so that over time children will learn to combine these to build longer sentences, hold conversations and read and write short passages in French.
To help develop and embed vocabulary, lessons include talking time, songs, games and quizzes. Alongside learning the language of France, children also develop an understanding of French culture and traditions.