Personal, Social, Health and Economic
At Castle Hill, PSHE underpins everything we do with our pupils. We support our young people to become valued, responsible members of society that treat each other with respect and dignity, whilst ensuring we are preparing them for life in Modern Britain with core British Values.
Our Programme of Study enables pupils to have skills and attributes such as; resilience, self-esteem, risk management, critical thinking and team-work in the context of learning grouped into six core themes:
Health and Well-Being
Media Influence
Careers/Work related
Financial capability
We believe that by empowering pupils with the knowledge of their rights and by embedding children’s rights in our schools values and culture, we enable our children to improve their wellbeing, whilst developing their talents and abilities to achieve their full potential.
The Rights Respecting School award is based on the principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation, this philosophy mirrors the beliefs of our school. From R-Y6 our children learn about the rights, they learn through the rights and they learn for the rights within the context of education as an overall right.
Our children learn that although they have rights so do all the children around them. We encourage our pupils to see how their actions whether it be positive or negative can have an impact on the rights of others.
Through Our Time, Motional activities, enhancement days, trips, workshops with external visitors, fundraisers and learning together sessions, we teach our pupils to be tolerant of others and to respect their different views or beliefs. We encourage our young people to become responsible members of society by looking for opportunities for them to support those less fortunate than themselves.