Religion and Worldviews

Religion and Worldviews teaches children about different religious faiths and the impact these have on the lives of believers, their communities and the wider world. At Castle Hill, we aim to provide inspiring, enquiry-based lessons through a programme of study written by the Diocesan Schools’ Adviser in consultation with local teachers and members of different faiths. This programme meets the requirements of the Suffolk Agreed Syllabus, containing 22 learning themes covering the world’s main religions of Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism Sikhism and Humanism. 

Through a series of engaging activities, the units allow pupils from EYFS right up to year 6, to explore a variety of key questions, such as, ‘Why is the word God so important to Christians?’, ‘Why does a Hindu collect good Karma?’ or, ‘How do Christians show that ‘reconciliation’ with God and other people is important?’ 

R&W at Castle Hill aims to promote religious understanding and respect, and to challenge prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping. We provide opportunities for our pupils to enquire, explore and express their own beliefs in a respectful and caring environment, in turn promoting every child’s self-worth and the importance of forming and maintaining positive relationships.

R&W at home

Ways to help develop skills at home:

Prompt questions

Useful links

Click on the images below.

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2

Please see below for the Intent, Implementation and Impact of our Religion and Worldviews Curriculum.

RE/W Subject Intent, Implementation, Impact

Please contact Natalie Cook to find out more about our R&W curriculum.