Religion and Worldviews

At Castle Hill, the Religion & Worldviews curriculum is an inclusive approach that allows learners to explore a range of beliefs and the impact of these on individuals’ lives. It supports an inclusive understanding of beliefs, fosters children’s critical thinking and a respect for diverse perspectives and backgrounds. Pupils learn about practices, traditions, rituals, and theologies through multiple lenses. Our curriculum at Castle Hill encourages children to dig deeper by teaching about diversity and celebrating it. We also provide opportunities to help challenge stereotypes and preconceptions, whilst exploring non-religious worldviews to ensure all children are able to relate their learning to their own values and beliefs.

Religion and Worldviews at Castle Hill aims to promote religious understanding and respect, and to challenge prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping. We actively seek to provide opportunities for our pupils to develop their self-awareness, their respect and understanding for all, open-mindedness and appreciation and wonder.

R&W at home

Ways to help develop skills at home:

Prompt questions

If you would like to provide your child's own religious education and withdraw them from Religion and Worldviews, please contact the school in writing to request this.

Useful links

Click on the images below.

Key Stage 1

Key Stage 2

Please see below for the Intent, Implementation and Impact of our Religion and Worldviews Curriculum.

RE/W Subject Intent, Implementation, Impact

Please contact Natalie Cook to find out more about our R&W curriculum.