
At Castle Hill School we offer opportunities to highlight the positive uses of technology and we endeavour to explore the role we all play in helping to create a better and safer online community. The children have the chance to be involved in lots of activities focusing on photo sharing, sending online messages, uses of technology and how to stay safe online.

During lessons, the children are able to utilise technology to support their learning and promote inclusion.

In Key Stage 1, the children learn about algorithms and how they are used to program digital devices. Then they learn how to create and debug their own simple sets of code. In addition, they are encouraged to explore digital design in order to create, organise, store and manipulate digital content.

In Key Stage 2, the children learn to design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals – this supports their problem solving skills! They are introduced to variables, sequencing, selections and repetition when writing code. They are encouraged to use their prediction skills to explain how simple algorithms work in order to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs.

They have the opportunity to select, use and combine a variety of software to design, create, organise and display digital content and data.

At Castle Hill, we actively encourage children to stay safe online and continue their learning at home. Click on the images below to explore some websites you might find useful.

Be mindful that the general public can create and upload their own games and projects onto these websites… please check the age rating of the coding project is appropriate! 

Please see below for the Intent, Implementation and Impact of our Computing Curriculum.

Computing Subject Intent, Implementation and Impact

Please contact Kiana Scarff to find out more about our Computing curriculum.