Maths Interventions

Maths Interventions

EPSMI Educational Psychology Service Maths Intervention

This intervention was designed to develop understanding and skills across four key areas within arithmetical development. For children who are finding it difficult to retain their early maths learning in class, this daily, 20 minute intervention helps to reinforce counting forwards and backwards, counting in different intervals from different starting numbers, comparing and writing numbers and the four operations +,-,x, ÷. It helps the children to solve simple maths problems in a specific way and with daily repetition we have found that they are able to use these skills back in the classroom. We assess the children to find any gaps in knowledge and then carefully group them into appropriate groups of four or five. The intervention usually runs for a term and then the children are re-assessed to check progress.

Number Stacks

Number stacks is a maths support programme with easy to follow, staged activities moving from concrete resources to mental and written methods of calculation. It covers over 69 Key Skills from EYFS to Year 6. The program is split into small steps and the hands on system helps children to  understand the maths concepts and remember what they have learnt. Number Stacks uses a combination of stackable place-value counters and video tutorials to enable TAs to help children master the foundations of the number system.  Children are assessed before they start and regularly throughout the programme to check progress and impact.