Our main function as a PTA is to support the school by raising much needed funds to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences for our children and to provide the odd little treat which all help make the children’s Castle Hill experience as memorable as possible.

We organise events such as school discos, Christmas and summer fayres, virtual balloon races, colouring competitions and Christmas cards. Other ways we fundraise are easy fundraising cash back website, Amazon Smile, Toucan Boxes and our clothes recycling bin.

We also have an online uniform shop where we sell pre-loved school uniform and Christmas Jumpers!

Click here for our online shop

With recent funds raised we have purchased lunchtime play equipment for KS2, a permanent shelter for our Forest School, sports kits, ukuleles, Year 6 leavers medals and our wonderful Knights murals for our school buildings.

We are a very friendly group made up of parents, TAs and teachers. We are always looking for new members to help strengthen our team. We like to operate on the notion that many hands make light work and that whether you can spare numerous hours to help, just set up an event or just design an event poster it's up to you, there is absolutely no pressure as help of any kind is so very much appreciated.

If you would like to get in touch please email us on 


or visit us https://www.facebook.com/castlehillschoolipswich

or search facebook for Friends of Castle Hill Ipswich and Junior Schools – Ipswich

Chair – Lianne Simmonds

Vice Chair – Caroline Horne

Secretary – Louise Waters

Treasurer – Charlotte Osman

School Lottery and Clothing Bin.pdf
Online Uniform Shop and Easy Fundraising.pdf