Home/School Communication

At Castle Hill, we understand the value of communication and pride ourselves on this. We acknowledge how important it is to share information regarding our pupils and encourage parents to embrace open communication pathways.

Each child within our Specialist Units will have their own Tapestry learning or communication record. This is an online platform where learning, achievements and information regarding your child will be communicated with you. 

“Tapestry builds a very special record of a child’s experiences, development and learning journey through their early years and primary education. Using photos, videos, and diary entries, a teacher or early years educator, along with the child’s parents or carers, and the child themselves if they’re ready, ‘weaves’ the story of the child and how they are growing and developing.”

If there is anything that needs to be discussed urgently we will contact you.

Please contact the school office on 01473 741 758 should you wish to discuss anything with us or require any further support.