Children's University

Children’s University at Castle Hill

How does it work?

Every week, Mrs Fayers will set an activity to be completed on Google classroom. You can either complete the activity at home or if you are attending the after school club (this will be on a 6 week rotational basis) you can work on it there too. You don’t have to come to an after school club to be able to take part in Children’s University. 

You will need to:

What can I do to earn hours?

Here are some examples: 

Art and craft projects


Create cultural reports of places you have visited

Explore nature 

Clubs (limited hours)


There are different levels of certificates to work towards. The first one is the Bronze award. To achieve this you will need to collect and log at least 30 hours worth of tasks and challenges. If you achieve this by the end of May 2023 you will be invited to the University of Suffolk to Graduate and receive your first award. Your logged hours will then roll over into our next school year where you will continue to work towards your next goals and awards.

If you would like any more information about Children’s University please visit the website or speak to Mrs Fayers