Our Vision
Our vision for children and young people with special educational needs and disability (SEND) is the same as for all children. We strive to ensure access for all to educational excellence in preparing children and young people for their futures, seeking to continually improve attainment and progress for all and secure the highest levels of achievement appropriate to the individual learner.
Our vision for children and young people with special educational needs and disability (SEND) is the same as for all children. We strive to ensure access for all to educational excellence in preparing children and young people for their futures, seeking to continually improve attainment and progress for all and secure the highest levels of achievement appropriate to the individual learner.
Key principles
Key principles
SEND is a whole school responsibility requiring a whole school response
all pupils admitted to the school in accordance with the school admission policy should receive a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum. Staff should identify, as early and accurately as possible, any pupils with additional needs and make appropriate provision
partnerships between home and school are important to ensure pupils and their parents are treated with respect and have their views taken into account
staff should liaise with each other and governors and appropriate outside agencies in order to meet pupils’ needs effectively
all staff working with pupils with SEND should be provided with appropriate levels of support and advice